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Kudos to NYSERDA, Connecticut Green Bank, California Energy Commission for State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards

Read Time 2 mins | Written by: Shaun O'Neill

Congratulations to the California Energy Commission, Connecticut Green Bank, and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)for their 2022 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards from the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA). Since 2009, the biennial Leadership Awards have recognized outstanding state programs and projects that have accelerated the adoption of clean energy technologies.

“Concord is proud to be associated with these organizations, which have blazed new trails in use of clean energy and have contributed substantially to energy efficiency initiatives in their own states, as well as modeling subsequent efforts across the country,” notes Shaun O’Neill, Concord President and CRO.

Concord has worked with NYSERDA since 2010 to pioneer loan servicing programs for both Smart Energy loans and, later, On-Bill Recovery programs. The company handles a variety of loan servicing initiatives for Connecticut Green Bank and the California Alternative Energy & Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAETFA), a leader in green financing for the State Treasurer’s Office programs affiliated with the California Energy Commission.

Notes the CESA news release, awards were given to the “California Energy Commission (CEC) for the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (2022 Energy Code) for newly constructed buildings and renovated buildings. The 2022 code blazes a trail for states seeking to decarbonize the building sector aggressively and cost-effectively….Connecticut Green Bank for Green Liberty Bonds. Modelled after the War Bonds of the 1940s, Green Liberty Bonds are purchased by individual investors in lower-dollar denominations (the bonds are offered in $1,000 increments), enabling people to directly participate in the green economy and earn a return on their investment…New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) for the Clean Energy Initiative (CEI). NYSERDA and HCR have partnered to provide incentives and technical assistance for decarbonization of multifamily affordable housing developments in New York State.

“These awards exemplify a concerted commitment to transforming old, inefficient, and resource-depleting energy systems into renewable, sustainable, and economical energy efficiency models,” notes O’Neill. “It’s the wave of the present and future for the country’s energy grid, and is an increasingly economical way for consumers to save money on their utilities—especially in the low-to-moderate income arena.”

Notes Tom Myers, Director of Business Development for Slipstream, a Concord partner on low-to-moderate income state energy efficiency loan origination and servicing, “Ultimately, the ability to connect borrowers with energy savings rests squarely on the ability to find affordable, flexible loans and installers willing and able to participate. These award-winning organizations are doing just that, providing a solution that starts with energy-efficient sources and ends with consumers being able to save money while contributing to clean energy advancement.”

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Shaun O'Neill

As President and Chief Strategic Officer, Shaun offers an expansive view into dynamic integrated solutions of consumer finance with a foundation of people, processes, and technology.