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Key Takeaways from the ABS East Conference

Read Time 4 mins | Written by: Shaun O'Neill

Structured Finance ABS East Concord's Key Takeaways


In a rising interest rate environment, the ABS market continues to be stressed. But there’s a huge opportunity for private credit to play a role in future deals.

At the recent ABS East conference in Miami, more than 5,000 structured finance professionals came together to network and participate in investor/issuer meetings. The annual event is a major catalyst for new deals across the industry, with issuers looking to market their offerings and investors eyeing up new opportunities in the asset-backed securities market. 

This year’s meeting also featured a private credit summit, reflecting the bigger role that private markets are beginning to play in the ABS industry. Concord was thrilled to be part of the conversation about the latest regulatory trends and emerging asset classes. Our key takeaways from Miami:

  • As portfolios continue to be stressed, the industry will see a higher volume of default and non-performing loans. This in turn will drive increased demand for collections and a rise in portfolio transfers or acquisitions.
  • These conditions are triggering a huge opportunity for private credit to come into the market and fill the void. As publicly traded capital markets struggle with interest rate volatility, private funding offers another way to raise funds and diversify funding channels. 
  • As an industry leading third-party loan servicer, Concord is well-positioned to manage the growing need for delinquency collections and backup loan servicing for portfolios in transition. 

The market is ripe for portfolio transfers and acquisitions

There are a significant number of portfolios held by financial institutions that had some type of collateral funding support, such as a line of credit. But those portfolios were generated in an environment of very low single-digit interest rates. And today’s market yield is pushing high single-digits or even low double-digits for a required rate of return.

So the collateral holder is now looking at these assets as somewhat stressed, or with a perceived servicer risk. Those portfolios have a strong opportunity to transfer ownership, particularly in the private investor space. 

Zombie companies are driving significant opportunities for private credit 

In Miami, we heard a lot about “zombie” companies. These are mid-cap specialty finance companies started in the last five to 10 years in a very low-rate, free cash flowing environment. A lot of investor money was flowing into these companies, and they were able to survive based on very low interest rates. But these zombie companies cannot survive today’s current rate environment. 

So they will be looking to sell their assets at a discount to private buyers, such as insurance companies, hedge funds, or other players willing to buy at the right price. And when they do, we’ll see an increased volume of portfolios that need a certified third-party loan servicer like Concord to step in as a collections partner or as a backup servicing provider.

Concord’s role in the shifting ABS landscape  

Although the ABS market continues to be stressed in a rising rate environment, this will also create opportunities for portfolio acquisitions by private credit companies. And as these portfolios change hands, Concord is in an ideal position to support backup loan servicing and delinquency collections both during and after the transition period. 

Concord Solutions
Backup Loan Servicing Blackwell® Recovery Collection

Reduce risk, keep delinquencies low and improve cash flow for better returns and exceptional portfolio performance.

Build a customized collection strategy that meets your unique needs with a cost-effective, fully compliant solution for late-stage collections.

  • Cold and Warm Backup Programs
    We can capture all critical loan and receivables data as frequently as needed, depending on the complexity and risk level of your portfolio.
  • Delinquent Account Recovery
    Our proven late-stage collections strategy maximizes your revenue, and it’s backed by Concord’s industry-leading recovery performance.
  • Seamless Customer Handoff
    If primary servicing fails, we step in effortlessly as a reliable backup servicer, maintaining efficient communications with your customers.
  • Customized Consumer-Focused Plans
    We offer collection plans based on your unique requirements, designed to improve customer relationships and debt repayment rates.
  • Data Protection and Disaster Recovery Our commitment to comprehensive data storage and security protocols gives you peace of mind for any disaster recovery contingency.
  • Real-Time Reporting
    Our reports give you critical visibility into portfolio performance and provide valuable insights to help drive collection strategy adjustments.
  • Securitization and Warehouse Facilities Our flexible financing solutions help you maintain operations and support the growth of your business.


Concord has the expertise to manage every aspect of your loan operations. As a leading loan servicer with more than 30 years of experience, we deliver compliant, flexible, and scalable solutions to meet your unique needs. Contact us today at (866) 493-6393 or

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Shaun O'Neill

As President and Chief Strategic Officer, Shaun offers an expansive view into dynamic integrated solutions of consumer finance with a foundation of people, processes, and technology.